Here you can find a selection of the services and offerings we provide to you.
Image building
Image building is vital in order to recruit specialists to the region while maintaining and strengthening Lake Constance’s position as a business location.
Trend Letters
Our Trend Letters provide members with selected sector-specific information.
Dialog is founded on mutual trust. The cluster provides the framework for targeted collaboration.
Cluster Meetings
Regular Cluster Meetings, both in-person and online, lay the foundation for dialogs on specific issues, ideas and projects.
Tech Talks are a good way for members to learn more about specific aspects.
Special workshops allow members to develop strategies for overcoming concrete challenges.
Visits to companies
Regular visits to member companies enable deeper insights and make best practice examples come alive.
Knowledge transfer
We promote a transfer of knowledge by sharing valuable information with members and creating a framework for projects to be developed jointly.
Sector-specific information
Sector-specific information provides useful knowledge for operational decisions.
The BodenseeAIRea Barbecue is also open to non-cluster members and is a great opportunity for a more informal exchange.
Cluster trips
We organize trips to cooperation partners as a chance for cluster members to make valuable contacts.
We shape the future together through collaboration beyond regional and sector boundaries.
Participation at trade fairs
BodenseeAIRea is a frequent attendee at aviation shows with joint booths and exhibitions.
AERO Friedrichshafen
Europe’s leading trade show for general aviation is an annual event at Friedrichshafen Exhibition Center and one of the cluster region’s flagships.
The AIRstudent project gives students an insight into the aerospace industry in Friedrichshafen and the surrounding area.
Getting started in the cluster!
Be a part of the aerospace industry cluster and profit from many different forms of collaboration as well as valuable insights and increased awareness. We look forward to sending you more information on BodenseeAIRea activities and explaining how membership could benefit you.